Home insurance
Health insurance
Car insurance
Lifecare insurance
Savings and pensions
Funeral insurance
Payment protection

Social commitment

Our role as an insurer, employer and our impact on communities and the environment entails being socially responsible and sustainable. That is why we make sustainability part of our day-to-day business. We integrate environmental, social and governance concerns into our corporate culture, as well as into all of our processes and our business strategy.

Our commitment is to care for present and future generations and thereby leave a positive footprint on the environment and society. We thus see sustainability as an opportunity for change and transition to a new way of doing business that integrates this ideal into all processes and becomes part of our culture and values.

Involvement with people

We are very aware of our impact on society, both in the areas of protection and insurance, as well as on the economy and the functioning of groups. That is why we prioritise putting people at the centre, whether they are members of our workforce, our customers or any other person or company with whom we have a relationship. Understanding the needs of others and working to achieve mutual satisfaction is the only way we know how to work together.

Do we know each other?

Our insurance companies are a Joint Venture founded in 2008 from the partnership between Banco Sabadell and Zurich Seguros for the distribution of insurance through banking channels. The merger of a prestigious bank recognised for its contribution to the development of companies and an international company that is expert in the protection and care of people means that we have two separate origins yet share a common purpose: caring for people and their environment.

Our joint venture is comprised of three separate companies: BanSabadell Vida, BanSabadell Pensiones and BanSabadell Seguros Generales; ownership is shared 50/50 between the two main partners.

Since then, we have worked year after year to support Banco Sabadell’s customers through our selection of protection and savings products and services.

Learn about our history year after year

From the creation of our company and the launch of our first products to our latest online solutions. Our project has grown larger every year with the aim of looking after you and your family:

In numbers

Learn about some of the things that make us one of the market’s leading insurers:
+350 employees
We work as a team and value diversity
1,5M customers
In 2021, more than one and a half million Banco Sabadell customers chose to do business with our companies
Top 5
Our Sabadell Plan Futuro Pension Plans came in 1st and 2nd in performance rankings published by Inverco

Want to join our workforce?

We’ve been looking for you! Our job offers are published via this job portal. Check out the available opportunities and join our team! See all offers

Information on corporate governance

Here you will find all information about BanSabadell General Insurance

Here you will find all information about BanSabadell Vida 

Here you will find all information about BanSabadell Pensiones

Our compliance policy

At Sabadell Seguros y Pensiones we care about doing the right thing. That is why we have a Crime Prevention Model for our entities. Learn more

Don’t miss out

BanSabadell Seguros Generales, Sociedad Anónima de Seguros y Reaseguros, holder of Tax ID No. A-64194590, with registered office at Calle Isabel Colbrand 22, 28050 Madrid. Registered in the Madrid Companies Register and in the Insurance Entities Register of the Directorate-General of Insurance and Pension Funds (DGSFP) under code C-0767.

BanSabadell Vida, Sociedad Anónima de Seguros y Reaseguros, holder of Tax ID No. A08371908 and with registered office at Isabel Colbrand 22, 28050, Madrid. Registered in the Madrid Companies Register and in the Insurance Entities Register of the Directorate-General of Insurance and Pension Funds (DGSFP) under code C-0557. 

BanSabadell Pensiones E.G.F.P., S.A., holder of Tax ID No. A58581331 and with registered office at Isabel Colbrand 22, 28050 Madrid. Registered in the Madrid Companies Register. Registered with the Directorate-General of Insurance. Special Register of Pension Fund Management Entities under code G-0085. 

BanSabadell Mediación, Operador de Banca-Seguros Vinculado del Grupo Banco Sabadell, S.A., holder of Tax ID No. A-03424223, with registered office at Avenida Óscar Esplá, 37, 03007 in Alicante, and registered in the Alicante Companies Register and in the Administrative Register of Insurance and Reinsurance Distributors of the Directorate-General of Insurance and Pension Funds (DGSFP) under code OV-0004, having taken out a liability insurance policy pursuant to prevailing regulations on private insurance and reinsurance distribution.